Sunday 9 October 2011


Inilah kisah seorang adik,
Kakak seorang yang selalu diherdik,
Hati kakak berasa sakit,
Melihat adik berakal pendek.

Terhadap kakak adik cemburu,
Dalam pelajaran cermelang selalu,
Menerima hadiah baju baru,
Menjadi kesayanggan ayah dan ibu.

Nasihat kakak adik tak endah,
Tahunya adik hanya memerintah,
Kakak penat adik tak kesah,
Asal kehendak tertunai sudah.

Ada masanya kakak menangis,
Apabila adik menunjuk bengis,
Barang di rumah dibaling habis,
Adik tak pernah tersenyum manis.

Kini kakak tiada lagi,
Ke sekolah asrama membawa diri,
Suasana di rumah senyap dan sunyi,
Barulah adik menginsafi diri.

Kasih kakak tidak dihargai,
Sekarang adik berasa sepi,
Apabila kakak pulang nanti,
Kesalan adik mohon diampuni.

Adik berazam menjadi baik,
Ujian nanti biarlah naik,
Adik mahu menjadi cerdik,
Semua orang sayang akan adik.

Wahai kakak cepatlah pulang,
Adik merindui kakak tersayang,
Adik berubah sudah sekarang,
Janganlah kakak menaruh bimbang.

Friday 11 March 2011


The design is meant for non-Malaysian who would like to learn Malaysian proverb. The first one to introduce is "Telinga Kuali" (Ear Wok), which means someone who is very stubborn.

Few pictures are selected:-

Crop the mother scolding her daughter

Tools used in this picture are: magnetic lasso tool, crop, transform - image scale, adjustment level, fx, background eraser tool.


Wok as the ear
Transform tool are used most to edit this picture.

The boy's  head is used to put the wok

A lot of cropping tool is done here. Sponge tool is used here in order to blend the color of the face with the neck, as the neck for the next boy is a bit darker.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Malay Proverb

You will love Malaysian Proverb, because it is can be translated in objects
1.  Telinga Kuali
2.  Permata Hati
3.  Mulut Murai
4.  Musang berbulu ayam
5.  Puteri Lilin